We regularly see reptiles for wellness care, injuries, and illness. Since reptiles show very few obvious outward signs of illness, initially, we see all of our reptile patients once a year for a comprehensive health screening. Reptiles can be severely ill and not show it except for loss of appetite or activity.
Each year we:
• Do a thorough physical exam
• Check a fecal sample to assess gut flora and screen for parasites
• Recommend to check a complete blood count to screen for internal infections or inflammation
• Discuss any questions or problems with diet, behavior, and husbandry
We ask that you bring along picture of your reptile's enclosure to your appointment. You can also email the pictures before the visit.
Our clinic was designed and equipped with the needs of ALL patients in mind. Our surgery, pharmacy, and exam rooms all have the proper tools to treat most reptile illnesses and injuries. We can compound medications into palatable liquids or give instruction on using injectable medications for reptiles. We utilize Sevoflurane gas for procedures. This gas is considered by many to be the safest sedation, or anesthesia, for reptiles.